Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Encouragement to busy moms.....

My friend and I are going through a book together called "Life management for Busy Moms"..... as we go through it I want to encourage all of my BUSY friends to take a challenge with me. This book's whole point is to get in God's word daily.... every morning..... first thing. So as I continue reading it I will be posting some "main points" straight from the book and I encourage you to join in on these challenges. If you are up to it join along by leaving a comment and check back daily/ or every other day for another challenge (since we are busy I will try to post a challenge at least every other day). My goal is to get all of us busy moms into God's word daily and I think if we are accountable to each other it helps. By the end of this we should all by in a routine and making God our top priority daily! So here we go.....
Challenge #1: REFUSE TO MISS A DAY
As busy moms we need to make GOD our 1st priority. We need to set a schedule where we give God time. The author of this book states that it should be 1st thing in the morning, so we can feel refreshed throughout the day. She also suggests making a calendar and coloring in the days that you spend in God's word so you can look back and see if it is all colored in or if has missing boxes of color.
So let's do this... make some sort of calendar so you can see "concretely" if you are in God's word daily.
Good luck... let's see if we can make God 1st in all of our lives!


Anonymous said...

Just came across this blog and I love it. I am a busy mom and it is nice to know I am not the only one out there struggling with the same issues. It is by the grace of God - I continue to make it work each day.

Jodi said...

Hi Sandy,
Thanks for the exact thing I needed. I've known I've been struggling and I've also know exactly why.... not spending time with God. Have I done anything about it? NO. So, your encouragement is greatly appreciated and I'm starting right now!! Miss you!