Can you please join with us in prayer for this little guy named Jordan. Here is the link to a blog that was recently started for him:
This was a sudden and shock to everyone. We do not know them personally but they are neighbors and good friends with my sister's, brother-in-law in Yucaipa. Pray for comfort for Jordan's mom, dad, and big brother. Pray that they will see Jesus in this event and lay everything at HIS feet. If you would like to leave a comment I will pass it on to his family. Thanks for taking time out for this family.
Can you also keep in prayer Tim's mom. She has been in the hospital since Wednesday night. She had surgery because they found a Staff Infection in her pinkie finger that was eating her bone. She is hopefully going to get discharged today but will have to have a pic line in her for medicine for at least a month. Please pray for fast healing and also that they will kill the infection all the way this time. She had the same exact thing 2 years ago on the opposite hand but it must have went dormant in her body. Please also pray for her strength because she has been really sleepy and sort of "out-of-it." Thanks for taking time for lifting her up to the Lord.